Our Impact

As a leading alternative manager, Apollo is uniquely positioned to drive a more sustainable future and expand opportunity across our workplace, marketplace and communities. We take an integrated approach, incorporating environmental, social and governance considerations into everything we do — from how we invest, to how we lend, to how our firm operates globally.

Our core values of leading responsibly and championing opportunity not only shape Apollo’s positive impact on society, but also play a critical role in our continued growth and success. Our stakeholders increasingly rely on us to leverage our scale, global network, and deep expertise to deliver positive social returns as well as strong financial performance.

Driving Sustainability

Driving Sustainability

At Apollo, we leverage our full platform to help tackle the most pressing environmental and societal challenges we face today. To us, driving sustainability is not simply a risk mitigator, but a way to unlock growth and opportunity.

Expanding Opportunity

The Apollo ecosystem has enormous potential to drive positive change across our workplace, across the marketplace of the alternatives investing and insurance industries, and across the communities where we work and live.

Expanding Opportunity

For over a decade Apollo has set the standard for ESG reporting within our industry. Read Volume 14 to see how Apollo is continuing to lead responsibly and drive a more sustainable future.

When we think about the next phase in Apollo’s sustainability journey, it is about empowering every member of our team to incorporate sustainability into what they do and identifying where we as a business can drive the greatest impact.
Marc Rowan Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer

A Legacy of Sustainable Leadership


Apollo launches a comprehensive sustainable investing platform spanning asset classes that will target deploying $50 billion in investments toward energy transition and decarbonization over the next five years and sees the opportunity to deploy $100 billion by 2030

Apollo establishes a formalized Supplier Diversity program focused on growing direct and indirect spending with diverse businesses across Apollo’s private equity portfolio, with the goal of achieving more than $1 billion in spend by 2024

ESG Timeline 2022

Achieved 30% Board Diversity

Co-Launched Alt Finance to provide more alternative asset management career pathways to students at HBCUs

Apollo appointed its first Chief Sustainability Officer, with responsibility for leading Apollo’s sustainability efforts, building on the firm’s ESG program. It also hired dedicated Heads of ESG for Private Equity and Credit.

Apollo launched an Impact Advisory Committee, whose 11 members bring diverse backgrounds and expertise from many fields to focus on the Firm’s impact investing platform; Apollo became a supporting partner of the Board Diversity Action Alliance in its efforts to promote diversity and inclusion initiatives at the corporate board level and in talent pipelines

Apollo launched an Impact Advisory Committee, whose 11 members bring diverse backgrounds and expertise from many fields to focus on the Firm’s impact investing platform; Apollo became a supporting partner of the Board Diversity Action Alliance in its efforts to promote diversity and inclusion initiatives at the corporate board level and in talent pipelines

Founded Signatory of Ownership Works to promote employee ownership

Partnered with SASB and the Data Convergence Project

ESG Timeline 2021

Apollo appointed Head of Global Head of Citizenship and Global Head of Leadership Development and Diversity.

Apollo Impact Mission (AIM), our flagship impact investing platform, launches to pursue private equity-like opportunities aligned with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals

Apollo becomes a signatory of the Operating Principles for Impact Management

Founding Signatory of the Institutional Limited Partners Association’s (ILPA)

Signed the UN Principles of Responsible Investing (PRI)

ESG Timeline 2020

Apollo hosts its Fifth Portfolio Company Conference with 49 portfolio companies in attendance

ESG Timeline 2019

Apollo’s 2018 Going Greener campaign virtually eliminates the use of disposable plastic, cutting it by 90% across all our offices

Apollo becomes first alternative investment manager to benchmark portfolio company ESG data in reports to limited partners

ESG Timeline 2018

75th portfolio company site visit; Fourth Portfolio Company Conference is held, with 45 portfolio companies represented; portfolio company ESG data is benchmarked for the first time

ESG Timeline 2017

Apollo’s ESG Digest is launched; 100th portfolio company is engaged

ESG Timeline 2016

Third Portfolio Company Conference is held, with 39 portfolio companies represented; Analysis of quantitative portfolio company ESG data is published for the first time


Impact Measurement Initiative is launched; Apollo becomes first US-based private equity firm to win Pantheon’s GP Responsible Investment Award

ESG Timeline 2014

Second Portfolio Company Conference is held, with 25 portfolio companies represented

Apollo Launch 2013

Launch of ESG Webinar Series; Responsible Investment (RI) Committee of Limited Partner Advisory Board is formed

ESG Timeline 2012

First Portfolio Company Conference is held with 24 portfolio companies represented


First portfolio company site visit; First training for investment professionals; First report published for investors

ESG Timeline 2010

Apollo developed and piloted a portfolio company engagement program; Created first ESG report; Endorsed the American Investment Council’s Guidelines for Responsible Investing

ESG Timeline 2009

Apollo formalizes its commitment to Responsible Investing (RI); Appoints a Chief RI Officer and centralizes its RI Program

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